Brian Robert Callahan

academic, developer, with an eye towards a brighter techno-social life


Demystifying programs that create programs, part 9: Pseudo-ops

All source code for this blog post can be found here.

This is the last entry of our series. After today, you will be on your own to use your new Z80 assembler as you'd like. And you will be free to perhaps add mnemonics for the Z80 extensions and make any other changes you'd like.

We will finish up by adding some pseudo-ops, instructions the assembler understands that allows us to make richer programs. There are eight pseudo-ops I would like to implement: equ, db, dw, ds, org, name, title, and end. Let's get to work.

The easy ones: name, title, and end

The easiest pseudo-ops to implement are these three. name and title will be accepted, checked, and ignored. They are used when generating assembly listings, which are copies of the source code annotated with addresses. Our assembler does not generate listings so we do nothing with the information. But we also do not want to error out if we see them. end will artificially set the lineno counter far higher than possible, to short-circuit processing any code that may come after it.

Those pseudo-ops look like this:

 * Set module name.
 * Not useful for us, since we don't generate a listing file.
 * Check and ignore.
private void name()
    argcheck(lab.empty && !a1.empty && a2.empty);

 * Set module title.
 * Not useful for us, since we don't generate a listing file.
 * Check and ignore.
private void title()
    argcheck(lab.empty && !a1.empty && a2.empty);

 * End of assembly, even if there is more after.
private void end()
    argcheck(lab.empty && a1.empty && a2.empty);
    lineno = lineno.max - 1;

Setting the base value for addresses: org

Next up is org. This pseudo-op adjusts the address counter. On CP/M, binaries usually begin at 0x100 so it is very typical to see the first instruction in a CP/M program be org 100h. We want that ability, since it means we can easily create programs for bare metal and for CP/M.

It is fairly straightforward: during the first pass, if we see the pseudo-op, adjust the address counter. It must take a number, no labels:

 * Force updated the address counter.
private void org()
    argcheck(lab.empty && !a1.empty && a2.empty);

    if (isDigit(a1[0])) {
        if (pass == 1)
            addr = numcheck(a1);
    } else {
        err("org must take a number");

The end of the easy pseudo-ops: dw and ds

The dw pseudo-op allows us to place a 16-bit value anywhere in our program. It borrows the logic from the a16 function to place the 16-bit number in little endian format. I also manually perform the addsym function rather than hand it off to the passAct function. Because this pseudo-op always places a 16-bit value into your program, it always increments the address counter by two.

The ds pseudo-op allows you to reserve an arbitrary amount of space in memory. It does so by taking a single argument and writing out that many 0x00 bytes and then incrementing the address counter by that much. It is not so dissimilar to writing that many nop instructions, but much more compact and therefore easier to read.

These pseudo-ops look like this:

 * Place a word.
private void dw()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);

    if (pass == 1) {
        if (!lab.empty)

    addr += 2;

 * Reserve an area of uninitialized memory.
private void ds()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);

    if (pass == 1) {
        if (!lab.empty)
    } else {
        auto num = numcheck(a1);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
            output ~= cast(ubyte)0;

    addr += numcheck(a1);

Defining constants: equ

While auto-assigning values to labels when they are declared in code is great, we might also have some instances where we would prefer a label to have a constant value that we decide beforehand. The equ pseudo-op is for this purpose. It is a little different than other instructions: it requires a label. In the original CP/M assembler, this could take either a number or a label, and even have an expression to modify the value. We are just going to permit numbers for our equ pseudo-op. It is one of those good enough but can be made better things you can implement in the future.

It looks like this:

 * Define a constant.
private void equ()
    ushort value;

    if (lab.empty)
        err("must have a label in equ statement");

    if (a1[0] == '$')
        value = dollar();
        value = numcheck(a1);

    if (pass == 1) {
       auto temp = addr;
       addr = value;
       addr = temp;

I lied a little. While our expression parser will not be as featureful as the original CP/M assembler, we will allow the $ syntax, which is shorthand for the current address, and allow a simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or modulo from it. If it's the first pass, we add the symbol and its value to our symbol table otherwise we ignore it. We have to do a little dance to temporarily save the current address and switch it to the calculated value to add to the symbol table, but it's a one-off so I am fine with it. Alternatively, you could make addsym take an argument but that seemed like more work for what is a single exception in the entire assembler.

Our dollar function is straightforward based on that description:

 * If the argument to EQU begins with $, we need to parse that.
 * Our syntax differs a little from the CP/M assembler.
 * And it only deals with simple expressions.
private ushort dollar()
    ushort num = addr;

    if (a1.length > 1) {
        if (a1[1] == '+')
            num += numcheck(a1[2..$]);
        else if (a1[1] == '-')
            num -= numcheck(a1[2..$]);
        else if (a1[1] == '*')
            num *= numcheck(a1[2..$]);
        else if (a1[1] == '/')
            num /= numcheck(a1[2..$]);
        else if (a1[1] == '%')
            num %= numcheck(a1[2..$]);
            err("invalid operator in equ");

    return num;

Since it is only a simple expression parser, a quirk arises: no spaces are allowed in expressions. I am fine with that. Because of that, we can use the slices from D to use just the part of the string we need to figure out the number after the operator.

Placing bytes and strings: db

The final pseudo-op, db, is the most difficult. It has two jobs: first, it can place individual bytes; second, it can place strings. So it is a combination of dw, except acting on 8-bit values instead of 16-bit values, and ds, except it can place any number of arbitrary bytes instead of just any number of 0x00 bytes. Supporting db will cause a change in our parser. I told you our current version would take us most of the way.

Here is what the db function looks like:

 * Place a byte.
private void db()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);

    if (isDigit(a1[0])) {
        auto num = numcheck(a1);
        passAct(1, num);
    } else {
        if (pass == 1) {
            if (!lab.empty)
            addr += a1.length;
        } else {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < a1.length; i++)
                output ~= cast(ubyte)a1[i];
            addr += a1.length;

If the first character of the argument is a number, then you want to place that byte so we check the byte and print it if it is pass two. In any event, placing a byte must increment the address counter by one. If the first character of the argument is not a byte, then we increment the address counter by the length of the string that is the argument.

There's a catch though. For one, this won't work if your string begins with a number, since that means we assume you have declared the byte you want to place. But also this will fail if there is whitespace in the string, since our parser is not really set up to deal with the scenario. The somewhat imperfect solution is to teach the parser about strings.

Teaching the parser about strings

A string begins and ends with the ' character. I am going to take a liberty here: to make our lives a little easier, strings cannot contain the ' character. If you need it, break the string, create another db line with db 27h (27h being the hex code for '), and then continue with your string. It turns out our not-so-smart parser also cannot properly process strings with a semicolon in them, so we are going to take the easy way out and declare ' and ; illegal in strings and say you must place them individually if you need them (db 3b by the way for a semicolon).

We will need to add this code to our parser in between splita1 and splitop:

 * Fixup for the db 'string$' case.
auto dbFix = 0;
if ((!a1.empty && (a1[0] == '\'' || a1[a1.length - 1] == '\'')) ||
    (!a2.empty && (a2[0] == '\'' || a2[a2.length - 1] == '\''))) {
    auto newsplit = strip(splitcomm[0]);
    splita1 = newsplit.findSplit("'");
    a1 = chop(splita1[2]);
    a2 = null;
    dbFix = 1;

This checks to see if any of our "edges" in a1 or a2 is a ' because if it is, we must have a string. We also need to wrap our previous fixup inside if (dbFix == 0), since we don't want that code to run if we've already fixed it up because it is a string.

I am also going to add one more special case to our parser: I am going to permit labels when declared in an equ pseudo-op not require a colon at the end:

 * Fixup for equ statements.
if (dbFix == 0) {
    auto equFix = a1.findSplit("equ");
    if (equFix[1] == "equ") {
        if (!lab.empty || !a2.empty)
            err("Invalid equ statement");

        lab = strip(op);
            op = strip(equFix[1]);

        a1 = strip(equFix[2]);

One last thing: let's hook up our pseudo-ops into the long list of opcodes in the process function. As far as the assembler is concerned, pseudo-ops and regular ops are the same thing.

And with that, I am going to call our assembler completed. It is not perfect, but it is far better than when we started and, with just a few caveats to keep in mind, can produce a lot of code and can correctly assemble any program we can imagine, so long as it can run on a Z80.

A complete Intel 8080/Zilog Z80 assembler

This is the finished assembler:

import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.algorithm;
import std.string;
import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.ascii;

 * Line number.
private size_t lineno;

 * Pass.
private int pass;

 * Output stored in memory until we're finished.
private ubyte[] output;

 * Address for labels.
private ushort addr;

 * 8 and 16 bit immediates
enum IMM8 = 8;
enum IMM16 = 16;

 * Intel 8080 assembler instruction.
private string lab;      /// Label
private string op;       /// Instruction mnemonic
private string a1;       /// First argument
private string a2;       /// Second argument
private string comm;     /// Comment

 * Individual symbol table entry.
struct symtab
    string lab;         /// Symbol name
    ushort value;       /// Symbol value

 * Symbol table is an array of entries.
private symtab[] stab;

 * Top-level assembly function.
 * Everything cascades downward from here.
 * Repeat the parsing twice.
 * Pass 1 gathers symbols and their addresses/values.
 * Pass 2 emits code.
private void assemble(string[] lines, string outfile)
    pass = 1;
    for (lineno = 0; lineno < lines.length; lineno++) {

    pass = 2;
    for (lineno = 0; lineno < lines.length; lineno++) {


 * After all code is emitted, write it out to a file.
private void fileWrite(string outfile) {
    import std.file : write;

    write(outfile, output);

 * Parse each line into (up to) five tokens.
private void parse(string line) {
    /* Reset all our variables.  */
    lab = null;
    op = null;
    a1 = null;
    a2 = null;
    comm = null;

    /* Remove any whitespace at the beginning of the line.  */
    auto preprocess = stripLeft(line);

    /* Split comment from the rest of the line.  */
    auto splitcomm = preprocess.findSplit(";");
    if (!splitcomm[2].empty)
        comm = strip(splitcomm[2]);

    /* Split second argument from the remainder.  */
    auto splita2 = splitcomm[0].findSplit(",");
    if (!splita2[2].empty)
        a2 = strip(splita2[2]);

    /* Split first argument from the remainder.  */
    auto splita1 = splita2[0].findSplit("\t");
    if (!splita1[2].empty) {
        a1 = strip(splita1[2]);
    } else {
        splita1 = splita2[0].findSplit(" ");
        if (!splita1[2].empty) {
            a1 = strip(splita1[2]);

     * Fixup for the db 'string$' case.
    auto dbFix = 0;
    if ((!a1.empty && (a1[0] == '\'' || a1[a1.length - 1] == '\'')) ||
        (!a2.empty && (a2[0] == '\'' || a2[a2.length - 1] == '\''))) {
        auto newsplit = strip(splitcomm[0]);
        splita1 = newsplit.findSplit("'");
        a1 = chop(splita1[2]);
        a2 = null;
        dbFix = 1;

    /* Split opcode from label.  */
    auto splitop = splita1[0].findSplit(":");
    if (!splitop[1].empty) {
        op = strip(splitop[2]);
        lab = strip(splitop[0]);
    } else {
        op = strip(splitop[0]);

     * Fixup for equ statements.
    if (dbFix == 0) {
        auto equFix = a1.findSplit("equ");
        if (equFix[1] == "equ") {
            if (!lab.empty || !a2.empty)
                err("Invalid equ statement");

            lab = strip(op);
                op = strip(equFix[1]);

            a1 = strip(equFix[2]);

     * Fixup for the label: op case.
    if (dbFix == 0) {
        auto opFix = a1.findSplit("\t");
        if (!opFix[1].empty) {
            op = strip(opFix[0]);
            a1 = strip(opFix[2]);
        } else {
            opFix = a1.findSplit(" ");
            if (!opFix[1].empty) {
                op = strip(opFix[0]);
                a1 = strip(opFix[2]);
            } else {
                if (op.empty && !a1.empty && a2.empty) {
                    op = a1;
                    a1 = null;

 * Figure out which op we have.
private void process()
     * Special case for if you put a label by itself on a line.
     * Or have a totally blank line.
    if (op.empty && a1.empty && a2.empty) {
        passAct(0, -1);

     * List of all valid opcodes.
    if (op == "nop")
    else if (op == "lxi")
    else if (op == "stax")
    else if (op == "inx")
    else if (op == "inr")
    else if (op == "dcr")
    else if (op == "mvi")
    else if (op == "rlc")
    else if (op == "dad")
    else if (op == "ldax")
    else if (op == "dcx")
    else if (op == "rrc")
    else if (op == "ral")
    else if (op == "rar")
    else if (op == "shld")
    else if (op == "daa")
    else if (op == "lhld")
    else if (op == "cma")
    else if (op == "sta")
    else if (op == "stc")
    else if (op == "lda")
    else if (op == "cmc")
    else if (op == "mov")
    else if (op == "hlt")
    else if (op == "add")
    else if (op == "adc")
    else if (op == "sub")
    else if (op == "sbb")
    else if (op == "ana")
    else if (op == "xra")
    else if (op == "ora")
    else if (op == "cmp")
    else if (op == "rnz")
    else if (op == "pop")
    else if (op == "jnz")
    else if (op == "jmp")
    else if (op == "cnz")
    else if (op == "push")
    else if (op == "adi")
    else if (op == "rst")
    else if (op == "rz")
    else if (op == "ret")
    else if (op == "jz")
    else if (op == "cz")
    else if (op == "call")
    else if (op == "aci")
    else if (op == "rnc")
    else if (op == "jnc")
    else if (op == "out")
    else if (op == "cnc")
    else if (op == "sui")
    else if (op == "rc")
    else if (op == "jc")
    else if (op == "in")
    else if (op == "cc")
    else if (op == "sbi")
    else if (op == "rpo")
    else if (op == "jpo")
    else if (op == "xthl")
    else if (op == "cpo")
    else if (op == "ani")
    else if (op == "rpe")
    else if (op == "pchl")
    else if (op == "jpe")
    else if (op == "xchg")
    else if (op == "cpe")
    else if (op == "xri")
    else if (op == "rp")
    else if (op == "jp")
    else if (op == "di")
    else if (op == "cp")
    else if (op == "ori")
    else if (op == "rm")
    else if (op == "sphl")
    else if (op == "jm")
    else if (op == "ei")
    else if (op == "cm")
    else if (op == "cpi")
    else if (op == "equ")
    else if (op == "db")
    else if (op == "dw")
    else if (op == "ds")
    else if (op == "org")
    else if (op == "name")
    else if (op == "title")
    else if (op == "end")
        err("unknown opcode: " ~ op);

 * Take action depending on which pass this is.
private void passAct(ushort size, int outbyte)
    if (pass == 1) {
        /* Add new symbol if we have a label.  */
        if (!lab.empty)

        /* Increment address counter by size of instruction.  */
        addr += size;
    } else {
         * Output the byte representing the opcode.
         * If the opcode carries additional information
         *   (e.g., immediate or address), we will output that
         *   in a separate helper function.
        if (outbyte >= 0)
            output ~= cast(ubyte)outbyte;

 * Add a symbol to the symbol table.
private void addsym()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < stab.length; i++) {
        if (lab == stab[i].lab)
            err("duplicate label: " ~ lab);

    symtab newsym = { lab, addr };
    stab ~= newsym;

 * nop (0x00)
private void nop()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x00);

 * lxi (0x01 + 16 bit register offset)
private void lxi()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && !a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0x01 + regMod16());

 * stax (0x02 + 16 bit register offset)
private void stax()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    if (a1 == "b")
        passAct(1, 0x02);
    else if (a1 == "d")
        passAct(1, 0x12);
        err("stax only takes b or d");

 * inx (0x03 + 16 bit register offset)
private void inx()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x03 + regMod16());

 * inr (0x04 + (8 bit register offset << 3))
private void inr()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x04 + (regMod8(a1) << 3));

 * dcr (0x05 + (8 bit register offset << 3))
private void dcr()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x05 + (regMod8(a1) << 3));

 * mvi (0x06 + (8 bit register offset << 3))
private void mvi()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && !a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0x06 + (regMod8(a1) << 3));

 * rcl (0x07)
private void rlc()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x07);

 * dad (0x09 + 16 bit register offset)
private void dad()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x09 + regMod16());

 * ldax (0x0a + 16 bit register offset)
private void ldax()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    if (a1 == "b")
        passAct(1, 0x0a);
    else if (a1 == "d")
        passAct(1, 0x1a);
        err("ldax only takes b or d");

 * dcx (0x0b + 16 bit register offset)
private void dcx()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x0b + regMod16());

 * rrc (0x0f)
private void rrc()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x0f);

 * ral (0x17)
private void ral()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x17);

 * rar (0x1f)
private void rar()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x1f);

 * shld (0x22)
private void shld()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0x22);

 * daa (0x27)
private void daa()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x27);

 * lhld (0x2a)
private void lhld()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0x2a);

 * cma (0x2f)
private void cma()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x2f);

 * sta (0x32)
private void sta()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0x32);

 * stc (0x37)
private void stc()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x37);

 * lda (0x3a)
private void lda()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0x3a);

 * cmc (0x3f)
private void cmc()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x3f);

 * mov (0x40 + (8-bit register offset << 3) + 8-bit register offset
 * We allow mov m, m (0x76)
 * But that will result in HLT.
private void mov()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && !a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x40 + (regMod8(a1) << 3) + regMod8(a2));

 * hlt (0x76)
private void hlt()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x76);

 * add (0x80 + 8-bit register offset)
private void add()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x80 + regMod8(a1));

 * adc (0x88 + 8-bit register offset)
private void adc()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x88 + regMod8(a1));

 * sub (0x90 + 8-bit register offset)
private void sub()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x90 + regMod8(a1));

 * sbb (0x98 + 8-bit register offset)
private void sbb()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0x98 + regMod8(a1));

 * ana (0xa0 + 8-bit register offset)
private void ana()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xa0 + regMod8(a1));

 * xra (0xa8 + 8-bit register offset)
private void xra()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xa8 + regMod8(a1));

 * ora (0xb0 + 8-bit register offset)
private void ora()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xb0 + regMod8(a1));

 * cmp (0xb8 + 8-bit register offset)
private void cmp()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xb8 + regMod8(a1));

 * rnz (0xc0)
private void rnz()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xc0);

 * pop (0xc1 + 16-bit register offset)
private void pop()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xc1 + regMod16());

 * jnz (0xc2)
private void jnz()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xc2);

 * jmp (0xc3)
private void jmp()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xc3);

 * cnz (0xc4)
private void cnz()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xc4);

 * push (0xc5 + 16-bit register offset)
private void push()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xc5 + regMod16());

 * adi (0xc6)
private void adi()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xc6);

 * rst (0xc7 + offset)
private void rst()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    auto offset = to!int(a1, 10);
    if (offset >= 0 && offset <= 7)
        passAct(1, 0xc7 + (offset * 8));
        err("invalid reset vector: " ~ to!string(offset));

 * rz (0xc8)
private void rz()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xc8);

 * ret (0xc9)
private void ret()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xc9);

 * jz (0xca)
private void jz()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xca);

 * cz (0xcc)
private void cz()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xcc);

 * call (0xcd)
private void call()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xcd);

 * aci (0xce)
private void aci()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xce);

 * rnc (0xd0)
private void rnc()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xd0);

 * jnc (0xd2)
private void jnc()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xd2);

 * out (0xd3)
private void i80_out()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xd3);

 * cnc (0xd4)
private void cnc()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xd4);

 * sui (0xd6)
private void sui()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xd6);

 * rc (0xd8)
private void rc()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xd8);

 * jc (0xda)
private void jc()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xda);

 * in (0xdb)
private void i80_in()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xdb);

 * cc (0xdc)
private void cc()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xdc);

 * sbi (0xde)
private void sbi()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xde);

 * rpo (0xe0)
private void rpo()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xe0);

 * jpo (0xe2)
private void jpo()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xe2);

 * xthl (0xe3)
private void xthl()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xe3);

 * cpo (0xe4)
private void cpo()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xe4);

 * ani (0xe6)
private void ani()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xe6);

 * rpe (0xe8)
private void rpe()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xe8);

 * pchl (0xe9)
private void pchl()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xe9);

 * jpe (0xea)
private void jpe()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xea);

 * xchg (0xeb)
private void xchg()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xeb);

 * cpe (0xec)
private void cpe()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xec);

 * xri (0xee)
private void xri()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xee);

 * rp (0xf0)
private void rp()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xf0);

 * jp (0xf2)
private void jp()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xf2);

 * di (0xf3)
private void di()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xf3);

 * cp (0xf4)
private void cp()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xf4);

 * ori (0xf6)
private void ori()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xf6);

 * rm (0xf8)
private void rm()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xf8);

 * sphl (0xf9)
private void sphl()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xf9);

 * jm (0xfa)
private void jm()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xfa);

 * ei (0xfb)
private void ei()
    argcheck(a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(1, 0xfb);

 * cm (0xfc)
private void cm()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(3, 0xfc);

 * cpi (0xfe)
private void cpi()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);
    passAct(2, 0xfe);

 * Define a constant.
private void equ()
    ushort value;

    if (lab.empty)
        err("must have a label in equ statement");

    if (a1[0] == '$')
        value = dollar();
        value = numcheck(a1);

    if (pass == 1) {
       auto temp = addr;
       addr = value;
       addr = temp;

 * Place a byte.
private void db()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);

    if (isDigit(a1[0])) {
        auto num = numcheck(a1);
        passAct(1, num);
    } else {
        if (pass == 1) {
            if (!lab.empty)
            addr += a1.length;
        } else {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < a1.length; i++)
                output ~= cast(ubyte)a1[i];
            addr += a1.length;

 * Place a word.
private void dw()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);

    if (pass == 1) {
        if (!lab.empty)

    addr += 2;

 * Reserve an area of uninitialized memory.
private void ds()
    argcheck(!a1.empty && a2.empty);

    if (pass == 1) {
        if (!lab.empty)
    } else {
        auto num = numcheck(a1);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
            output ~= cast(ubyte)0;

    addr += numcheck(a1);

 * Force updated the address counter.
private void org()
    argcheck(lab.empty && !a1.empty && a2.empty);

    if (isDigit(a1[0])) {
        if (pass == 1)
            addr = numcheck(a1);
    } else {
        err("org must take a number");

 * Set module name.
 * Not useful for us, since we don't generate a listing file.
 * Check and ignore.
private void name()
    argcheck(lab.empty && !a1.empty && a2.empty);

 * Set module title.
 * Not useful for us, since we don't generate a listing file.
 * Check and ignore.
private void title()
    argcheck(lab.empty && !a1.empty && a2.empty);

 * End of assembly, even if there is more after.
private void end()
    argcheck(lab.empty && a1.empty && a2.empty);
    lineno = lineno.max - 1;

 * Get an 8-bit or 16-bit immediate.
private void imm(int type)
    ushort num;
    string arg;
    bool found = false;

    if (op == "lxi" || op == "mvi")
        arg = a2;
        arg = a1;

    if (isDigit(arg[0])) {
        num = numcheck(arg);
    } else {
        if (pass == 2) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < stab.length; i++) {
                if (arg == stab[i].lab) {
                    num = stab[i].value;
                    found = true;

            if (!found)
                err("label " ~ arg ~ " not defined");

    if (pass == 2) {
        output ~= cast(ubyte)(num & 0xff);
        if (type == IMM16)
            output ~= cast(ubyte)((num >> 8) & 0xff);

 * Get a 16-bit address.
private void a16()
    ushort num;
    bool found = false;

    if (isDigit(a1[0])) {
        num = numcheck(a1);
    } else {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < stab.length; i++) {
            if (a1 == stab[i].lab) {
                num = stab[i].value;
                found = true;

        if (pass == 2) {
            if (!found)
                err("label " ~ a1 ~ " not defined");

    if (pass == 2) {
        output ~= cast(ubyte)(num & 0xff);
        output ~= cast(ubyte)((num >> 8) & 0xff);

 * Return the 16 bit register offset.
private int regMod16()
    if (a1 == "b") {
        return 0x00;
    } else if (a1 == "d") {
        return 0x10;
    } else if (a1 == "h") {
        return 0x20;
    } else if (a1 == "psw") {
        if (op == "pop" || op == "push")
            return 0x30;
            err("psw may not be used with " ~ op);
    } else if (a1 == "sp") {
        if (op != "pop" && op != "push")
            return 0x30;
            err("sp may not be used with " ~ op);
    } else {
        err("invalid register for " ~ op);

    /* This will never be reached, but quiets gdc.  */
    return 0;

 * Return the 8-bit register offset.
private int regMod8(string reg)
    if (reg == "b")
        return 0x00;
    else if (reg == "c")
        return 0x01;
    else if (reg == "d")
        return 0x02;
    else if (reg == "e")
        return 0x03;
    else if (reg == "h")
        return 0x04;
    else if (reg == "l")
        return 0x05;
    else if (reg == "m")
        return 0x06;
    else if (reg == "a")
        return 0x07;
        err("invalid register " ~ reg);

    /* This will never be reached, but quiets gdc.  */
    return 0;

 * Check arguments.
private void argcheck(bool passed)
    if (passed == false)
        err("arguments not correct for opcode: " ~ op);

 * Check if a number is decimal or hex.
private ushort numcheck(string input)
    ushort num;

    if (input[input.length - 1] == 'h')
        num = to!ushort(chop(input), 16);
        num = to!ushort(input, 10);

    return num;

 * If the argument to EQU begins with $, we need to parse that.
 * Our syntax differs a little from the CP/M assembler.
 * And it only deals with simple expressions.
private ushort dollar()
    ushort num = addr;

    if (a1.length > 1) {
        if (a1[1] == '+')
            num += numcheck(a1[2..$]);
        else if (a1[1] == '-')
            num -= numcheck(a1[2..$]);
        else if (a1[1] == '*')
            num *= numcheck(a1[2..$]);
        else if (a1[1] == '/')
            num /= numcheck(a1[2..$]);
        else if (a1[1] == '%')
            num %= numcheck(a1[2..$]);
            err("invalid operator in equ");

    return num;

 * Nice error messages.
private void err(string msg)
    stderr.writeln("a80: " ~ to!string(lineno + 1) ~ ": " ~ msg);

 * All good things start with a single function.
void main(string[] args)
     * Make sure the user provides only one input file.
    if (args.length != 2) {
        stderr.writeln("usage: a80 file.asm");

     * Create an array of lines from the input file.
    string[] lines = splitLines(cast(string)read(args[1]));

     * Name output file the same as the input but with .com ending.
    auto split = args[1].findSplit(".asm");
    auto outfile = split[0] ~ ".com";

     * Do the work.
    assemble(lines, outfile);

Hello world

Let's create the traditional hello world program in assembly so that we can see our assembler in action. This hello world program is specifically for CP/M, so grab a CP/M emulator too (I like tnylpo).

Here it is:

	org	100h
bdos	equ	0005h	; BDOS entry point
start:	mvi	c, 09h	; BDOS function: output string
	lxi	d, msg	; address of msg
	call	bdos
msg:	db	'Hello world!$'	; in CP/M, strings end with $

Save this as hello.asm and run it through the assembler. You will get a file named and if you run that through tnylpo, you should see "Hello world!" appear on your screen. We've done it!


I hope you enjoyed this series. And you got your own Intel 8080/Zilog Z80 disassembler and assembler out of it. It can even assemble some very complex programs: I was able to assemble the original CP/M 2.2 assembler (see the ASM80 Source link on that page) with our assembler. The result was byte-for-byte identical to the same code assembled with the zmac assembler. Yes, it required some massaging to turn all the mnemonics to lowercase and replacing the multi-comma db syntax, which we don't support, to a version where each byte was on its own db line. But it did assemble. I think that bodes well for the abilities of our assembler. Unfortunately, due to the license of the CP/M source code, I cannot share my modified version with you. Perhaps you want to try it yourself as a test of your skills.

By the way, our assembler came out to 1359 lines of source code (1509 lines in total).

I hope this helped to demystify programs that can create other programs. While this is a very simple assembler, it does the same foundational work as more complex assemblers and compilers: it takes a programming language as input and from it generates object code and executables that a machine can run.

When you are ready for the next level, David Given, in a single marathon YouTube video, wrote a clone of the original CP/M assembler in C that will actually run on CP/M. Worth the watch when you're ready!
